Worming for Dogs
Dogs are commonly affected by two types of worms - roundworms and tapeworms
Roundworms are usually found in puppies and resemble small pieces of string. Puppies can be infected from their mothers and signs of infestations include failure to thrive, pot bellies and gastrointestinal upsets (vomitting and diarrhoea).
In puppies and adult dogs the eggs of the roundworm are passed in the motions, where they are a source of infection for other dogs. Unfortunately these worms can also infect humans, so worming is doubly important as is preventing your dog fouling areas where people, especially children, may become infected.
Tapeworms are common in adult dogs, and although they can be quite long in size, only segments are usually visible around the bottom of the dog or in its motions, and these resemble flattened grains of rice.
For the health and wellbeing of your pet, and for the prefention of the spread of worms to other dogs and humans, your dog should be regularly wormed.
Puppies should be wormed from 2-3 weeks of age until they are 3 months old, and then at least every 3 to 6 months throughout their life.
Don't let children kiss dogs, and prevent dogs from licking their faces.
It is advisable to wash your hands after handling your dog and before eating. Treatment of fleas will also aid in the prevention of the spread of tapeworm.
Ask your vet or a practice nurse for advice on the treatment of both types of worms.
Worming for Cats
Roundworms are usually found in kittens and adult cats and resemble small pieces of string. Kittens can be infected from their mothers and signs of infestation include loss of condition, pot bellies and the vomiting of worms. In kittens and adult cats, the eggs of the roundworm are passed in the motions, where they are a source of infection for other cats.
Unfortunately these worms can also infect humans, so worming is doubly important as is preventing a child from playing in litter trays or areas where cat faeces are present.
Tapeworms are common in adult cats and although they can be quite long in size, only segments are usually visible around the bottom of the cat or in its motions, and these resemble flattened grains of rice.
Cats pick up tapeworms mainly through hunting and from fleas. Regular flea treatment will also help in their control.
For the health and wellbeing of your pet, and for the prevention of the spread of worms to other cats and humans, your cat should be regularly wormed. Kittens should be regularly wormed from 2-3 weeks of age until 12 weeks of age, and then at least every 3 to 6 months throughout their life.
Ask your vet or a practice nurse for advice on the treatment of both types of worms.